Tuesday, 13 May 2014

In class timed essay- Waterloo Road- Age

In the clip ‘Representation of age- waterloo road’ Age is represented through the use of camera angles, mise en scene, editing and sound. At the beginning of the clip there is a close up on the teachers feet, which shows that the teacher has power over the students. As the clip continues there are more close ups, there is a close up of the teachers face to show disappointment and anger in the student, it then shows a close up of the student who is looking worried as he knows that the teacher has more power over him.

The site manager is wearing casual clothing a lot like what a younger person would wear, this could relate to the fact that he wants to be younger and he is envious of the students. The scene is based in a school, which has students all in their school uniform; there is a clear difference of age and power between the students and between the teachers, the teachers wear formal outfits whereas the students just wear their school uniform. Near to the end of the clip one of the teachers is dressed in very young clothes, he is dressed in a top that has an animal on it and he is also wearing very baggy trousers, which show his underwear. This shows that he is wanting to be a young teenager again however he says that he feels ridiculous but his younger friend tells him that he looks good. By him feeling ridiculous it shows that him as an adult does not feel comfortable in being in younger clothes. Two students walk past the teacher and see that the teacher is in the clothing they laugh at him, by them doing this it also shows that they think he is dressed ridiculously.

The music that is played when the teacher comes out wearing the clothes is quite hip hop/ rap, the music links in with the clothing and also links in with the idea that he wants to be young, There is a close up of the teachers back when he shows that the underwear is on show, this is to show that older people don’t understand why young people wear their outfits that way. When Amy and two other students are walking through the corridor it has a medium shot to show the students and what they wear, also the way they talk shows that they are still very young and have got a lot to learn. When Amy begins to talk to refers to her mum as being ‘a big hoe bag’ by saying that it shows that she is young, the reason for this is because she does not talk in an adult way, which shows she has not yet completed her education and that she is still a minor. Amy chases after a boy and tries to act powerful over him. The close up of his face whilst she is running is to show worry and discomfort of what is about to happen. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Social Class- Cranford Extract

In the beginning of the clip we see a young boy named Harry walking through the forest holding potatoes in his arms and he is also is scruffy clothes and he has no shoes on. The clothes he is wearing are old and scruffy which shows that he can not afford to buy posh clothing as he is under class. It also shows that he is slob like and that he does not care about his appearance as he is under class and has more important things to be concerned with, it reinforces the stereotype in a negative way as he is not shown to want to break out of his stereotype which shows that he himself has no power. Harry's father gives him some new boots for his birthday, they are shown in a close up as their family is under class so to have something nice and more expensive is a shock to them. When Harry looks at the newspaper the boots were wrapped in he see's the word 'James' his father becomes angry and snatches the paper away from his son, he is angry that Harry is trying to learn as he believes that as they are under class they do not need education, this reinforces the stereotype of underclass as they would not of had the money to be able to give their families education.

As the clip goes on Harry enters a conservatory like place and sees fresh grapes there is a close up on the grapes and on Harry's face to show that it seems like a new thing to him like it is something he has never seen before and that it is something magical. Harry says "The Lords prayer says forgive us our trespasses" this shows that he is aware of religion and that therefore he is some what educated even if it is the slightest bit. The location at the beginning of the clip is in a forest and in the corner it looks as though there is a shed Harry enters the shed like place in which we see it is his home, it shows that he has no money for a good house and that his family can not afford much either. It also shows that they are dependent on the council for a roof over their head and the council do not want to give poor people a good house so they give them the best that they think they deserve. This reinforces the stereotype negatively as the mother, father and even Harry are old enough to work however they can not which shows that they are all equal to each other as they have no power, no money and no education. They cast a young child to play Harry which could suggest that he was a teenage pregnancy which could link to why the mother and father have no education as they could of dropped out of school to raise Harry and with no education means no job which could reinforce the idea of the teenage pregnancy. The teenage pregnancy also shows that the parents where not aware of safe sex which also shows the lack of education.

The dad is shown in a long shot and the family are also shown in a long shot to show their relationship as a family. The long shot shows that the dad is alone and the rest of the family are all together which could suggest that he does not take responsibility for his family. It shows that he has less power, it also reinforces the stereotype of his under class and he is shown negatively. There is a broken composition to show his anger and that he is erratic. This is showing that he is unsophisticated and has no self control he is also shown as aggressive, he has more power as he is aggressive it reinforces the under class stereotype in a negative way. The close ups in the clip show intimacy and that the father feels like he has let his family down as he cannot provide for them. This could suggest that he is beginning to take responsibility as an adult and as a father. It shows more power as the entire family are depending on him, it challenges the stereotype as it shows the father in a positive way.

Their northern accent and lack of vocabulary reflects their social background, the lack of vocabulary forces the stereotype of under class as it shows that they are uneducated. They are portrayed to have little to no power, it reinforces the stereotype and it is shown in a negative way. The foley that is involved is when they are walking down the stairs. The music "We want you" is soft piano music which plays to show that they are compassionate, it shows that they're inferior and saddened which make the audience pity them, it shows that they are powerless and it reinforces the stereotype in a positive and sympathetic way.

The shot reverse shot would be used to create conflict between the family, by using the shot reverse shot it shows them as a broken family which shows the stereotype of under class. There is quick cuts between shots to show anger. The transitions are when the dad releases what he has took, the slow transitions make us sympathetic with the under class as they are a broken family. This shows them to be powerless. The juxtaposition shows the difference between the family and the man in the suit as it shows that he is professional, the difference between the two classes is most said to be middle class because of the dialogue as well and the family is clearly under class in comparison.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Hotel Babylon- Ethnicity

In the clip Hotel Babylon it shows a range of different stereotypes for ethnicity, it shows pitied, dangerous, conflict, exotic and unified. The entire clip is based on immigration trying to find illegal immigrants.

When the clip begins you see the police walk in with immigration the lady at the front desk seems to look concerned, the clip then shows a close up of the immigration officer and it shows a close up of his face to show danger. The woman at the front desk turns to a man sitting on the chair and asks if he has "Taken the purple acquisition forms down to house keeping like I asked?" The character who is known as Ben looks very concerned, what the lady at the front desk has said is clearly a code for Ben to go and hide all of the immigrants. Ben runs to Jackie and informs her that the immigration is there, Jackie runs to the kitchen and begins to shout in a different language this is a form of exotic as it shows that she is open to other cultures and that she is very cultural herself as she has to work with immigrants who are from all different places in the world.

The camera shots move quick to show that the immigrants and Jackie are in trouble and that they need to rush so it links into the camera movement. When all of the immigrants are together in the house keeping room it shows that they are unified as there is many different cultures and they are all together and in the same situation. One of the workers collapses during this part of the clip and we feel pity for her as she could be in terrible danger and the close up of the woman panicking and rubbing her chest causes the audience to feel tense and worried.

The missing cleaner makes the audience feel pitty for him when he is captured by the immigration, there is a close up of the cleaner trying to run and a close up of his face this is to show he is scared and that he feels unsafe. The costumes that all the cleaners wear makes us feel some pitty as it shows that they are in a low down job whereas in the past they could of been in a higher class job, one of the cleaners knows how to take care of the woman who collapses and he says "I wasn't always a cleaner you know" this makes the audience think and feel sorry for the character as he was once a doctor but now he has no choice other than to be a cleaner to earn some money. The lighting in the scene is dark, light and also has shadows, the darkness in the small house keeping room crates sympathy for the immigrants as they are caged much like an animal would be, this reinforces the stereotype of pitied as they are being made to stay out of government "light." The location is a small house keeping closet in a hotel where all staff are together which creates the idea of being unified, this also reinforces the stereotype of unified. There is a wide range of casting such as wide ranges of ethnicity, it also shows that some of the characters are in a conflict with the white immigration officers. 

Cleaners need to have props such as things like a Hoover, this is so that it fits into their roll, also having the photos of the immigrants past makes the audience feel sympathy, all of this ties into the stereotype of pitied. The costumes show an awful lot in clips, the white woman is in a white suit which shows that she is pure and that she is also innocent, also the immigration officers are in suits which shows that they have power over other people in the hotel, by the immigration officers wearing suits it shows that they're dangerous as it shows that they are serious and once again shows that they have a lot of power which can be seen as dangerous. There are sharp edits between the characters which shows conflict between the two characters and the sharp editing gives off an impression that the immigration officer is threatening. There is a juxtaposition of the cleaner who looks innocent and then he is taken away by the officers, this shows that he may be accused wrongly and that he is intact innocent this then challenges the stereotype that he is dangerous and reinforces the stereotype of pity. The camera is edited in a way so that it sides with the immigrants this also shows the stereotype pitied because the camera is edited to show the cleaners to be sympathised with. There is editing cuts between the action and the cloakroom to show conflict and it also shows conflict as the action continues. It is fast paced when the immigrants are trying to hide to show the idea that they are in danger, which reinforces the stereotype of dangerous. 

There is diegetic sound which is the sound of the Hoover as it shows that the cleaner is there to work and to be helpful, this causes the audience to feel pity for him because he is not a criminal but he is made out to be one, it also reinforces the stereotype of discriminating against different ethnicities. Majority of the dialogue came from the woman at the front desk and Jackie, this shows their importance and their power. There is fast paced music which shows the danger and the conflict in the clip. The stereotype of white people is that they are dangerous to other ethnicities and are made to hide and run away from white people, this shows that the white immigration officers are dangerous and to also reinforces the stereotype of danger. There is some foley in this clip such as when the cleaner is using the Hoover and the Hoover shows that he is a manual labourer, we pity him because he isn't doing anything wrong and yet he is taken away when all he wants to do is to work. There is high angles in the clip which relates to the immigrants being portrayed as victims, there is some low angles on the immigration officers as it shows their power this shows conflict. There is a long shot to show that the immigrants are isolated. There is a close up to show fear in the woman's face which shows pity and conflict. There is a composition to show that they are together again and that they are all unified. Also at the end of the clip Jackie is packing her stuff away, it shows a close up on her which causes us to feel a lot of pity for her as all she wanted to do was to keep her workers safe. 

Friday, 7 March 2014

Stereotypes of Ethnicity

The stereotypes of Ethnicity are:

  • Exotic: Cece from New Girl

  • Dangerous: Tuko from 'Breaking Bad'. Bradford Riots- Dangerous stereotype on indian because of him being a criminal & house being raided (Gypsies/ Mexicans)

  • Pitied:  Immigration to foreign lands/ foreign ethnicities. looking for work or discriminated against. (Nigerian/ Caribbean)

  • Humorous: Ting Tong (Indian)

  • Sexualised: Ting Tong (Thailand)/ Ivanka (Eastern European) = Mail order Brides (Asians)

  • Unified: Hotel Babylon- Clip shows an entire labour work force from ranges of ethnicities working together, but in conflict with another ethnicity.

  • Conflict: Little Britain- Caucasian (White) Being ignorant to other enthnicities.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Coming down the mountain analysis


Wheel chair
David- Good looking
Ben- Ugly


Stylised speaking
Foley- wheel chair/crutches
Non diegetic sound- hear his thinking
Happy music


Shot reverse shot
Close up
Hand held
Steady movement
Pan shot- steady
Close up to show ugly
Medium long awareness of power
Shot reverse shot- Power over Ben

Shot- Construction (Editing)-

Explosion- seeing the past
Disability- downs syndrome
Adult standing- power
David talking to Ben like a child
Ben walks behind David like a child would a parent
Childlike- playing with toys
Power of teacher- adult
Fade in

Media notes- Disability/Age


School- Youth


Dialogue - agressive
Stereotypes- Age/Disability
Old people- sad music/classical
Foley- recording sound and putting it into the piece


Hand held
Medium shot- composition
Close up- beauty- aggressive
Rule of thirds- traditional- old people- traditional values
Angles- show power
Camera movement- pan slow and steady

Shot construction-

Shot reverse shot- power
Prominence- screen time

Using a pen for foley- represents youth- if at school but also represents adult- for a teacher

Mentally disabled- childlike bedroom

Props- Prosthetics- wheel chairs

Reinforces/challenging the stereotype

Disabled hero- in the Paralympics

Close up- what could it mean? How is it connected to stereotype?

Stereotypes of Disability-

Hero- Overcoming adversity
Villain- Freak/abnormal/scary
Ugly- Physically incapable and non sexual
Victim- Vulnerable

Coming Down The Mountain- Disability

In the clip coming down the mountain it shows the difference between mentally disabled and non disabled it also shows how they need to be taken care of.

David the non disabled boy is shown to be good looking much like a teenage boy should be he is shown this way to show the difference between non disabled and mentally disabled. Ben the boy with downs syndrome is shown to be under the stereotype of ugly which means he is physically incapable he is shown as ugly to enhance the stereotype of disabled people and to enhance that they are abnormal. Ben has a stylised speaking which shows the idea of being mentally challenged. At the very beginning of the clip David is thinking about how much he dislikes his brother and it goes into an explosion in his head where he sees back to many years before, this is a use of non-diegetic sound as we can hear what is being said but we cannot see him speaking it.

There is happy music at the beginning of the clip which challenges the stereotype as usually when you would see a disabled person sad or slow music is played so that the audience can feel sorry for them. The music throughout the clip is still happy which shows that even though Ben is mentally disabled he can still be happy and he still knows how to enjoy himself. The camera has many different shots in this clip, there is a shot reverse shot which shows that David has more power over Ben the reason that it shows more power over Ben is because it also gets close to David's face and he looks very intimidating and talks down to Ben. The shots change quite quick rather than slow, this is another representation of challenging the stereotype as usually you would see a slow fade to the next shot of a slow pan around the room to show that disabled people are slow and that they are vulnerable but in the clip coming down the mountain it moves fast which shows that Ben is challenging the stereotype by being as normal as he can.

There is a close up on Ben and a close up on David the close up shows their beauty and their ugly, Ben is shown as the ugly one and David as shown as the beautiful one. There is a few moments in the clip that show power over Ben and sometimes even power over David. When David and Ben's dad talks he is standing up and tells them to stop arguing, by him standing up it shows that he has the more power as he is higher than them both and that he gives out the orders. When the mother stands up and goes to say goodbye to Ben she leans down to give him a hug, by her leaning down to his level it shows that she is not trying to be over powering and she is trying to show Ben that they are the same even though they are not. David shows power over Ben when he talks to him like he is a child who does not know what they are doing or what they are talking about. When walking to the bus stop Ben walks behind David like a child would walk behind their parent, this is also a show of power as it looks as though David is the more grown up one and that he is the one who sets the rules against Ben.

Ben continues to show his child like behaviour which links in with the mental disability, he begins to play with his toys at the bus stop which once again puts across his the idea that he is child like and that he does need supervision which links in with the stereotype of physically incapable. The clip then goes to showing David at school, by showing David at school and not showing Ben it could be representation that David can learn with other non disabled students whereas it does not show Ben so he could be with a special needs class to help him with his downs syndrome which links to the stereotype of abnormal. David sits at his desk drawing and it looks as though he is not listening the teacher then asks if he has any idea what has been happening he repeats everything that is said which shows he can retain information and that he is fine whereas Ben would not be able to remember simple things which shows he is vulnerable.

At the beginning of the clip Ben says that he needs to go to the toilet, Ben and David's father then tells David to go and help Ben which shows that Ben is not capable of going to the toilet by himself which makes the audience feel sorry for him however happy music is still playing which challenges the stereotype. The lighting throughout the clip is quite bright and sunny which puts across happiness and joy and Ben always seems filled with joy however when you would usually see a clip with a disabled person it is slow music and gloomy so that we can feel compassion for them and sorrow.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Synergy and Cross-Media Convergence- Section B


Synergy is the act of simultaneous release of different products to booth both. It can often be used in bigger companies as the different elements work together to promote linked products across different media. It is when you produce two or more products at the same time to promote each other. They are used in film/sound track/phone/game. Conglomerates such as Sony are able to use synergy to boost profits because of their diversity.

Cross-Media Convergence- 

Technological convergence refers to the process where new technology is moving towards single platforms delivering multiple media outputs that can be used to reach audiences, for example, a PS3's primary function is video gaming but you can download and watch movies from Lovefilm.com on it and also watch catch up TV and music videos. Convergent technology is technology that allows an audience to consume more than one type of media from a single platform. Lots of aspects of the internet e.g. social networking, YouTube, online editions of newspapers and magazines are convergent. Different mediums are TV/film/computer graphics/radio and website.

"Teenage Times" is a successful website and to make it more popular it can be advertised by-

Apps for iPhone, iPad, Tablet, iPod
Facebook Page
School/College- printed copies in school

Target Audience-

The target audience for the thriller trailer is mainly men aged 18-29 but also some women.


YouTube- the reason I have chosen YouTube is because it is one of the most popular places to view videos online. When watching a video an advertisement could pop up and advertise the thriller and whoever is interested will click onto the advertisement.

Twitter- the reason I have chosen twitter is because it is a huge social networking site with a lot of access to advertisements, people could Re-tweet to their friends, they can favourite a tweet and they can even tweet it themselves so that their own followers can see it.

Shopping centres- I have chosen shopping centres because there are a lot of billboards and scrolling advertisements which people would see walking past and it could catch their eyes and then they could go home and tell people about it.

Gym- I have chosen the gym because when people are working out they look up at the TV screens to give them entertainment and at the gym it is mostly adults who would be interested in the thriller so it would be a good form of advertisement.

Facebook- I have chosen Facebook because there are always adverts on Facebook, it gives a link or even a picture with some information which could attract the audience, you could also "share" to your friends and then they can see it and the more it is shared the more people will see it which means the more advertisement it would get.

TV- I have chosen TV because at late time TV when adults are watching the advertisement could come up and attract them to want to watch it.

Public transport/bus shelters- I have chosen public transport and bus shelters because on a bus there could be a stick on poster on the side and people will look at them when walking around and bus shelters also have posters that people would look at when they are waiting for their bus.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Revision- Age

Age- Adult, Elderly, Youth

Adult- Power, prominence, more camera time, low angle, suits, holding children, telling children off, police, working, wearing uniform, driving, teachers. Tv Dramas are mostly created by adults because they're envious of youth.

Sexuality- Victim, Camp.

Youth- Taking drugs, getting drunk, rebelling, making trouble, hoodies.

Elderly- Gloomy colours, light brown, yellow, dress nicely, old fashioned values, no tattoos, no piercings, in the army, discipline.

Lonely man- Sympathy as women typically live longer than men meaning the wife would most likely not of died of natural causes.

When, Why, What meaning?

Why am I being shown this? What relevance is this? Why is the main question. Is it trying to challenge the character?

1. To apply stereotypes to characters (Age)
2. To analyse technical areas for 'aged' meaning
3. To develop note-taking screening technique

Age- Vulnerable, authority, victim, beautiful, experienced, control.

No jump cuts!

Edit- Prominence, pace- how fast you cut from one scene to another.

Sound- Sound track, Foley- sound track made by other people- for example youth- lighter, smoking- identifies rebellion.

First Screening- Identify stereotypes/challenge/reinforce/FFA (Frame work for analysis)

Second Screening- Camera, composition.

Third Screening- Sound, shut eyes and listen.



Long shot- Lonely, vulnerable.
Showing walking- long shot- show he is alone.
Close up- focus our attention.
Composition- Empty bed.

MES- Lighting, location, costume, props-

Dull colours to show loneliness.
Natural light- time with no electricity.
In his house alone.
Low lighting.
Pills- body wearing out.
Smart dressed, experienced.
Yellow walls- dull.
Empty chair- showing he is on his own.
Alarm clock- Time- old- he cannot sleep.

Edit- Transitions-

Going from bed to getting ready.
Pace- slow pace to represent he is old.
Prominence- his point of view.
Lots of dialogue.
No jump cuts.
Do not cross 180 degrees rule- confuses the audience.
Shot reverse shot.

Sound- Dialogue-

No speaking- alone.
Created a void.
Sound from subway.
Music under bridge- rap.
Screaming of kids- alive.
Distance from youth- age.
Dark tunnel- under world- scary.



Group- shows not alone.
High angle- gang.
Close up- Shows recklessness.
POV on motor bike.
Out of control.
Self- obsessed.
POV- feels like part of it.

MES- Costume, props, lighting, location-

Tunnel, dark, smoking- represents rebellion.
Gun to show danger.
Out in public- alive.
Track suit- no discipline.
Different times.
Smoking- Drugs.


Fast pace- shows energy.
Dark setting.
Prominence- reckless.
No shot reverse shot- abnormality.
Jump cuts on the bike- drugs, brain cutting in and out.


Dialogue- chavy talking.
Shouting- youth- danger.
Gun shot- loud- represents youth.
Swearing, slang speech.

Tv Drama Notes

Stereotypes of age:



Promiscuous- Tight clothes, hair up, cleavage showing.

Alpha Male- Suit, leather jacket, dark colours.

Independant women- Trousers never skirts.

Class- Old days, coursettes, petticoats, skirts, dresses.

Ethnicity- Dangerous for example a hoodie.

Age- Envious for example makeup.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Monarch of the glen - age

In the extract Monarch of the Glen it shows a clear difference between the age groups. It shows a young girl at the age of 16 and it shows a range of different adults at all mixed ages.

In the beginning of the scene you see the adults at work asserting their power as the adults. There are two types of age groups in this scene and that is youth and adult. The young girl is given car keys to drive a truck, she takes the keys and begins to drive a few moments later you hear the truck crash which shows that she is not mature enough to be able to drive and that she is to young to of passed her driving test or learnt.

The person who the young girl crashed into was her head master at her school, the adults who where working at the beginning hear the crash and run to the young girl to make sure she is okay, that is a good example of the adults showing their power over the younger girl, they go to protect her much like a mother would her own child or a father would. The headmaster reveals the girls age and states that she is only 16 and should be in school.

The adults seem shocked that the girl is only 16 as if she had been lying to them about her age this could suggest that she didn't want to be treated like a child and that she wanted to be treated equally like an adult, much like most teenagers. The costumes that both the adults and girl wear also states their age group and the difference in power, the girl is wearing casual clothes just a t-shirt and some jeans whereas the adults are wearing what would be classed as their work clothes as they work in the country side.

The adult male tells the young girl that she must leave and go back to her school and complete her exams, the girl gets very defensive and flips the stereotype by showing power over the adult when she begins to shout and argue with him, he argues back however it does show a flipped side of the stereotype as younger people are often considered less powerful than adults. The young girl also has her hair in a simple pony tail and not much makeup which suggests how young she is.

The girl is the victim in this as she is suddenly told she cannot be apart of the adult group and is instantly treated like a child again. She says that her father never paid attention to her which could be one reason why she wants to be more grown up as she may not have had much chance to be a child and she may of had to grow up a lot faster than most teenagers.

The young girl goes upstairs to pack her stuff like she is asked to showing that adults do have the more power and that the youth do obey to what they are asked most of the time. When the girl is leaving her room she leaves two teddy bears on her bed. Teddy bears are associciated with younger children much younger children. The teddy bears could be a representation of her youth and how young she is, although ahe is 16 and in her middle teenage years the teddy bears represent her age and it also represents the big gap between both the adults and the youth. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Are we born straight or gay?

Are we born straight or gay- the making of me john borrowman

Are you born straight or gay?

Is camp natural or learned behaviour?

Are you born gay or is it a choice?

Throughout out the clip john borrowman is going through multiple brain tests to see if he is born gay or if it is something you pick up throughout time. The tests come back and show that half way through pregnancy it is hard wired into the DNA and brain that you are born gay or straight.

Camp can be both natural and learned behaviour, in john borrowmans case the camp behaviour is natural it is in his brain that he reacts much like a women. In the texts taken John is off the scale of a test that women are usually best at and he beats the women's score which shows that he has a brain functioning much like a women and even stronger. However some camp behaviour can be learned as through out society depending on the people that that you hang out with can bring out the camp behaviour.

Being gay is not a choice as a lot of people say that you choose to be what sexuality you are but the tests prove that you are born gay and that it is not a choice it is how you are born, also there are some men that want to be straight but cannot as their sexuality is gay.

Speaking to the man who is going to give the tests

One of the tests taken to text special abilities

Test to see how he is with words

Getting the results

Results of word fluency showing his brain functions higher than a women's 

Object memory test showing his brain functions in a female typical way 

Friday, 17 January 2014


This is a mind map of different questions that we answered. 

Mock- the hustle

Screening 1-

The clip begins with a long shot which is on the man who works in the store. The man goes up to an older woman who is a customer and shows a judging look as if she can't afford the dress she is looking at. The store owner shows his masculine side by standing above the woman making her feel belittled, in the background a younger customer comes in wearing a very expensive ring and he suggests a designer dress this is where is post masculine side comes out. The key representations of characters in this scene is the store owner who is post masculine, the customer who is feminine as she acts very feminine as when she looses her ring she says her husband will kill her suggesting she's under control but she also shows post femininity by the way she seems in control of the sale. Another key character that is represented is the man who claims he finds the missing ring he is masculine as he stands his ground and acts like the alpha male. The representation of the rich woman is negative as she seems stuck up also the first viewing of the shop keeper when he speaks to the older woman he seems like he does not want her service as she does not look like the rich kind which brings the audience to feel some sympathy for her. Yes the use of naturalism is used everyone acts very natural just like they would in a regular shop.

Screening 2-

The key status characters are the store owner, the rich lady customer and the man who claims he found the ring. The status of the store owner changes slightly as he is post masculine and then he begins to change and try to be masculine in the disagreement with the man but when the man proves his masculinity the store owner goes back to post masculine male. The diegetic music starts at the very beginning of the clip and ends at 0.17 seconds it does this to introduce the clip before the characters begin talking. The camera is mainly stable however when they're searching for the ring it looks as though the camera becomes slightly unsteady. An unusual camera shot I picked up was when a couple of the characters looked at the camera and spoke to it. The shot reverse shots were obvious editing as they don't tend to take much editing so you can tell when they have been edited.



How does this clip represent sexuality-

What is sexuality
Different sections in sexuality 
Characters I am looking at 

1st para-
The costumes
Camera angles
High angles, low angles etc

2nd para-
Background sounds- music in the background 
Character sounds- the way they speak etc- women in the barn- upper class/posh. Women in biker leather jacket- masculine
Sound of creature- masculine- roar 

3rd para-
CGI- the lion
How it's put together
Screen time

4th para-
Location- forest 
Props- digger- masculine 

Final para-
Conclusion of what sexuality is and how it is represented in the primeval clip

IT crowd clip

Post masculinity- 

IT Crowd- not very masculine, geeky jobs

Not the typical man- not dressed in suits don't have girlfriends or wives 

Work in IT- IT isn't a masculine job, not much power as a man, don't put across that they are strong and that they're the man of the house.

Stereo types

Stereo types of Disability in the media- 

Villain- freak/abnormal/scary
Hero/brave- overcoming adversity
Ugly, physically incapable and non sexual 
Victim- vulnerable - dominant 

Asian- Indian
Asian- South East Thai etc
Middle Eastern
White black- African, Caribbean
Eastern European 

Pitied- dominant

Old- dominant 
Grumpy or greedy

Straight- dominant

male- dominant

Framework for analysis- 
Step 1- significance 
Step 2- relationships of power
Step 3- differences how they're presented as opposites
Step 4- reinforcing/challenging stereotypes

Regional identity- 
Middle- dominant 
City- dominant 

Modern media-

Why? Why do media?

Watch clip 4 times
Hustle- timed essay- 45 mins
Mise en scene

Low angle- masculine
Kettle- feminine
Fade out- feminine because it is slow and soft

Masculine- Sharp quick cut 

YouTube- OCR hustle tv drama
Write about the 4 technical areas

Media notes-

Notes- exam clip

Use mentor partners to help revise as both have information and can help each other revise.


Gendered as camp and butch - wasn't butch so is challenging
Threat- abnormal
Sexualised - promiscuous - challenging the stereotype

Close ups in breasts - male gaze
Close ups also show the emotion of the characters

Pace- slower transition between cuts

Dark lighting- idea of the privacy

Sex scene- set in bed

Sympathy for the characters who cannot express how they feel as lesbians where frowned upon

Man- straight - straight is seen as threatening in the scene as it is a lesbian scene and she does not want anyone to know she is a lesbian.

White apron- virginify/purity
Red- danger

Slow motion- very important to write about
