Thursday, 23 January 2014

Are we born straight or gay?

Are we born straight or gay- the making of me john borrowman

Are you born straight or gay?

Is camp natural or learned behaviour?

Are you born gay or is it a choice?

Throughout out the clip john borrowman is going through multiple brain tests to see if he is born gay or if it is something you pick up throughout time. The tests come back and show that half way through pregnancy it is hard wired into the DNA and brain that you are born gay or straight.

Camp can be both natural and learned behaviour, in john borrowmans case the camp behaviour is natural it is in his brain that he reacts much like a women. In the texts taken John is off the scale of a test that women are usually best at and he beats the women's score which shows that he has a brain functioning much like a women and even stronger. However some camp behaviour can be learned as through out society depending on the people that that you hang out with can bring out the camp behaviour.

Being gay is not a choice as a lot of people say that you choose to be what sexuality you are but the tests prove that you are born gay and that it is not a choice it is how you are born, also there are some men that want to be straight but cannot as their sexuality is gay.

Speaking to the man who is going to give the tests

One of the tests taken to text special abilities

Test to see how he is with words

Getting the results

Results of word fluency showing his brain functions higher than a women's 

Object memory test showing his brain functions in a female typical way 

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